Steps that Will Help You Raise Happy Kids

Steps that Will Help You Raise Happy Kids


Steps that Will Help You Raise Happy KidsEverywhere you look, you will find advice on how best to raise children. From your parents’ opinions to your Facebook friends’ statements, you may be overwhelmed by all of the contradictory information out there. However, if you truly want happy kids, you need to look no further than science; there are actually research based strategies that can help ensure your little ones have a great childhood. Read on for more information.

Teach compassion

While it is important to help children learn empathy for others, there is more to compassion that just that; you also have to help your children understand how to deal with their own emotions in an appropriate way and become mindful of the world around them. The best way to teach compassion is to model it yourself. You may not think your children are watching, but they are very perceptive little people, and they will pick up on what you are doing.

Spend time building your relationship with your partner

As a parent, it is easy to focus your attention on your children; after all, they need you. Unfortunately, though, many parents forget to nurture their adult relationships in the same way they nurture their young children. If your marriage is in trouble, your children will suffer. Studies link marital discord to sleep issues in toddlers. Many scientists believe that the stress the family is experiencing is what causes the problems at night.

Don’t set the bar too high

While you should aspire to be the best parent you can be, no one is perfect. If you want to always get everything right, you are only going to be disappointed. Research has shown that parents that try to be perfect feel more stress and are more unsure about the job they are doing as a parent. Instead, simply try to do the best you can each day. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Learn from them, and move forward with your children.

Treat your children as unique individuals

There is so much information out there on parenting, and there are a number of people that profess to know the secrets to raising children. However, each child is different. What works with one child (even in the same family) won’t necessary work with another. If you adjust the way you parent to suit your child’s unique needs, you will feel better about your relationship and the job you are doing.

In general, a child that can’t control themselves as well will need your support more than a child that is able to handle their anger or sadness in an effective way. Consequently, a child that is doing well may be inhibited from further growth if you try to coddle them too much. Evaluate each child, and figure out what they need from you and then act on it.

There is no clear cut “right” or “wrong” way to parent. However, the tips included above were based on a number of different studies and can help you figure out a parenting style that works best for you and your children.

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