It often happens that after a square meal to deal with stomach discomfort and burning sensation and this is caused, in most cases, by spicy foods or sodas.
Gastric acid, is actually a secretion, produced in the stomach and is formed, the most part, out of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride and sodium chloride. It is essential in the digestive tract, but becomes a problem when it is produced in large quantities or, on the contrary, in low quantities resulting in various digestive disorders such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, and so on.
There may be many factors leading to stomach acid but the main reason is the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for gastric acid production and absorption.
If you want to avoid medication, we strongly recommend five remedies that you can prepare in your house even without additional costs.
1. Basil leaves
Basil leaves are known for their beneficial properties on the stomach lining. Chewing few basil leaves after having served dinner you can prevent or relieve symptoms of gastric acidity. Basil can be used alone or preparing teas.
2. Bananas
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating some bananas to relieve the pain. Also, you can consume it as a delicious milkshake. Bananas are indicated in case of ulcer, to normalize blood pressure, against constipation and, more recently, using banana peels, you will get rid off the itchy sensation after mosquito bites.
3. Ginger
The active substances in ginger helps in fighting against heartburn in at least 40% and eliminates nausea without causing side effects such as drowsiness. Also, ginger consumed as tea or as such, fresh, stimulates liver function and the gallbladder, preventing kidney stones and gallbladder attacks.
4. Milk
Milk contains a lot of calcium and can improve the sensation of heartburn. Drink a glass of cold milk after a meal and you get rid of the symptoms caused by acidity and heartburn.
Low fat milk, drank cold, temporarily neutralizes stomach acid and help relieve heartburn.
5. Chewing gum
There’s no need to continuously chew gum, and is not even recommended, but after every meal doctors advise us to do so because that helps prevent heartburn by doubling the amount of saliva in the esophagus, which is designed to neutralize acids stomach.
Other tips that might help in fighting heartburn are: chew slowly to allow the stomach to digest faster the food ingested, do not linger in bed after lunch, though the temptation is high and sleep on the left side or on the back, with the head and shoulders above the rest of the body, because gravity can relieve unpleasant sensations.
Also try to avoid as much as possible, foods such as onion, garlic, tomatoes, chips, alcohol, fried foods, citrus fruits, etc. because they relax the sphincter muscles and the muscles between the stomach and esophagus, thereby allowing burns installation.